Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Fashion & Textiles Day1

In the morning I used different kinds of paper, texture and scale to create structures and dramatic 3D shapes. Experimenting material and the effect they give on a figure.

This was the first experiment, using foam board and pins to create angular structure, including triangular shapes, right angels and sharp edges. 

Experimenting twisting paper, the initial idea was to create a tornado type feeling. Some were wrapped tight and others loser - experimenting different effect. 

Instead of twisting, here i experimented with scale and cones,curved / round shapes. 

Experimenting purely with layers and scrunched up paper. 

At the end of the morning i learnt how different shapes and scale can affect the look of the pattern, also texture of different paper can give a different feel to the work. Been working with layers, composition and scale to experiment how could the structure stand out.

I think today was very different as i have not done fashion and textiles before, i think i have done well and responded the task well. although i struggles a little bit with time, i only made 4 samples instead of 5 and could have made my developed idea even bigger so that it fits on the figure better. Also i didn't like one of the samples as it lacked tightness, it was too confusing, from this i learnt that sometimes abstract work may need a bit of control so that the structure are understandable in an extent. 
- To speed up 
- Tighter work
- Work bigger when needed. 

1 comment:

  1. I do find your structures interesting but some can be unsafe to use as there were pins sticking out, but other than that i love your designs i think there quite unique to everyone else's and i can tell you love to use triangles a lot
