In my sketchbook i done a series of really quick rough sketches, seeing shapes, scale, pattern, support and more then slowly refining them to a more realistic structure for holding the balls.

Quick sketching allows me to experiment, go more crazy in the beginning and refine it down. Even coming up with unrealistic impossible ideas helps me think of the final result, for example i may like a specific part of a design which may be added to the final idea.
< Refined.
All author's own.
During the making of this structure, i didn't realise how fragile and weak the spaghetti was and some changes were made to the design. i developed platforms to be cross hatched and layered so that the support is much more stronger and stable for the balls to sit on. Also by combining 3 or 4 spaghetti helped the strength of he structure, i did this to those who are connected to the ground which then gave the it a much stronger base and better rigidity.
To try and stand out, i tried to make this model more slanted and unrealistic looking, kind of bringing in the idea of breaking laws of physics as structure and building are usually symmetrical due to the centre of gravity etc.

I chose to create a strucutre that the balls will be on a level, so there are 3 levels on my structure, this cretes a better centre of gravity eventhough the building is slanted.
Having built the structure, i tried turning upside down and on its side, and this has worked rather well. The structure looks rather nicely quite geometric on its side.
By placing a figure it show thje scale of the sturcuture or building, it automatically is refered as something architectual.
After making this, we were to provide this structure with protection to stop it from being destryoed later on by a basketball. The material allowed was only paper. My initial idea was to fold them into quite rigid stiff paper and slot them in between joints of the spaghetti. This didnt turn out well - my strucutre collapsed as the paper was pushing against the spaghetti with to much force. I only ended up with this....................
It is always good to find a function, instead of placing balls on the structure which isnt very commercially effective, by placing different items onto my structure i can discover what it can potential be. eg. a phone stand. This structure can then be refined to a much smaller scale which would be more propiate for it to sell in the market.
I think the way you have edited your images here is very strong where you have really brought the sketches and designs to life. This vibrant effect is a success and I will definitely try to incorporate this into my own work. However possible improvements to this page could still be made: I feel that there is a lot of blank space surrounding certain images. Potentially you could increase the size of these images or simply move them about to cover more of the blank space improving the visual aesthetics of your blog.