Creating a manifesto, at first i didn't know what a manifesto was so i did some research. after having a better understanding of the task, i explored with lots of ideas of what i can present. i did lots of sketches and research into type and also artist inspiration. i looked at what i want to tell people about me and my believes. I wanted this manifesto to be a bit personal and telling people what i learnt when i was young towards life.
I began to experiment with different ideas.
I came up with an idea if a time line to show people the events that had happened to me and eventually what i have learnt from it. I circled and highlighted 2003 as this is when my life began to change and started to go downhill.
using ink and markers, i used a black definite line to indicate a time line, and an bright colour to highlight 2003 to grabs readers attention.
"You Won The Argument, But You Lost The Family"
my manifesto is based on this quote and what i learnt in life and in someway it has changed my personality and the way i think and do things.
I looked at fonts and different types of way i can do it, the fonts of the final piece i also experimented in illustrator. I looked in books and found artist Claes Oldenburg, although his work is not typography, i was inspired by him and gave me an idea for typography. He creates sculpture that are all ordinary things into massive scale, this gave me an idea of my manifesto to have less important words in a much bigger font and size and more meaningful words to be much smaller.
After, i kind of try to remember my experience and how i adapted into new situations and a different environment.moving from Hong Kong to UK.
Because i want to give a personal view for the readers, i wanted to include my language and the background of mine, i used Cantonese in the beginning to give an idea for the reader.
After, explaining my ethnic background i experimented different quotes that explained my feelings during 2003 but also thinking of my own positive quotes which can explain what i have learnt from my childhood.
during this process i also looked at more artitst such as Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtestein
I was inspired by the bright coloured and defintie lines from the artists, this gave me the idea of using these bright colours technique to show the positivness after my childhood.
Final Piece
i based the whole page as a time line from 1995 - 2013. in the beginning i wanted to give the reader a quick idea of my background. The family album is empty creates a strangeness for the reader. It says N/A as I don't have any childhood photos or they are missing, i try to create a quick sense of attention for the reader. i used a very unneat handwriting font to represent me as a child, this font continues and creates contrasts with the bold writing in 2003 - 2008.
Because at 2003 is a the twist in my life, i changed the colour, boldness and size to really tell the reader and grab their attention.
The manifesto goes from black to colour in 2009/2010. The colours represents a much brighter life for me and telling people what i believe in.